
Nedenfor finder du en liste over bøger, boguddrag og tidsskriftsartikler, der behandler aseksualitet på forskellig vis. Hvis du skal beskæftige dig fagligt med aseksualitet i forbindelse med en opgave eller et akademisk projekt, er der god inspiration at hente blandt tidsskriftartiklerne. Artiklerne her er indtil videre primært af psykologisk og kulturanalytisk/kulturkritisk karakter. Vi forsøger løbende at opdatere listen, og hvis du kender til relevant litteratur, som ikke er på, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte os på info (snabel-a) aseksuelle (punktum) dk.

Skønlitteratur har en række lister med aseksuel- eller aromantisk-tematiseret (engelsksproget) skønlitteratur:

Aromantisk skønlitteratur

Common Bonds: A Speculative Aromantic Anthology. Arsenault, Callahan, Sanders & Sylver (eds.). 2021.

Non-fiction og antologier

Andrews, A.K. (red.) (2015). Ace & Proud: An Asexual Anthology. Purple Cake Press.

Bogaert, Anthony F. (2012): Understanding Asexuality. Maryland, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Carrigan, M., Gupta, Kristina, & Morrison, Todd G. (red.) (2014). Asexuality and sexual normativity, an anthology. London: Routledge.

Decker, Julie Sondra. (2014). The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality. New York, USA: Carrel Books.

Milks, Megan, & Cerankowski, Karli June. (2014). Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives (Routledge Research in Gender and Society). London: Routledge.

Tidsskriftsartikler og boguddrag

Aicken, C., Mercer, C., & Cassell, J. (2013). Who reports absence of sexual attraction in Britain? Evidence from national probability surveys. Psychology & Sexuality, 4(2), 121-135.

Bishop, C. (2013). A mystery wrapped in an enigma – asexuality: A virtual discussion. Psychology & Sexuality, 4(2), 195-206.

Bogaert, A. (2004). Asexuality: Prevalence and associated factors in a national probability sample. Journal of Sex Research, 41(3), 279-287.

Bogaert, A. (2006). Toward a Conceptual Understanding of Asexuality. Review of General Psychology, 10(3), 241-250.

Bogaert, Anthony. (2013). The Demography of Asexuality, 275-288, i: Baumle, A (red.). (2013). International handbook on the demography of sexuality. Dordrecht New York: Springer.

Bogaert, Anthony (2015): “Asexuality: What It Is and Why It Matters.” Journal of Sex Research, 52(4), 362-379.

Brotto, L., Knudson, A., Inskip, G., Rhodes, J., & Erskine, K. (2010). Asexuality: A Mixed-Methods Approach. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(3), 599-618.

Brotto, L., & Yule, A. (2011). Physiological and Subjective Sexual Arousal in Self-Identified Asexual Women. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(4), 699-712.

Carrigan, M. (2011). There’s more to life than sex? Difference and commonality within the asexual community.Sexualities, 14(4), 462-478.

Carrigan, Mark. (2012). “How do you know you don’t like it if you haven’t tried it?” Asexual Agency and the Sexual Assumption, 3-20, i: Morrison, T., Morrison, Melanie A, Carrigan, Mark A, & McDermott, Daragh T (red.). (2012). Sexual Minority Research in the New Millennium (Social Justice, Equality and Empowerment). Hauppauge: Nova Science.

Cerankowski, K., & Milks, M. (2010). New Orientations: Asexuality and Its Implications for Theory and Practice.Feminist Studies, 36(3), 650-664.

Cerankowski, Karli June. (2013). Queer Dandy Style: The Cultural Politics of Tim Gunn’s Asexuality. WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, 41(1-2), 226-244.

DeLuzio Chasin, C. (2011). Theoretical Issues in the Study of Asexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(4), 713-723.

Chasin, C.J. DeLuzio. (2013). Reconsidering Asexuality and Its Radical Potential.(Essay). Feminist Studies, 39(2), 405-426.

Chasin, C. (2015). Making Sense in and of the Asexual Community: Navigating Relationships and Identities in a Context of Resistance. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 25(2), 167-180.

Emens, Elizabeth F. (2014). Compulsory sexuality. Stanford Law Review, 66(2), 303-386.

Flore, J. (2013). HSDD and asexuality: A question of instruments. Psychology & Sexuality, 4(2), 152-166.

Foster, A., Scherrer, K., & Gonsiorek, John. (2014). Asexual-Identified Clients in Clinical Settings: Implications for Culturally Competent Practice. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(4), 422-430.

Gazzola, Stephanie B. & Melanie A. Morrison. (2013). “Asexuality: An Emergent Sexual Orientation”, 21-44, i: Morrison, T., Morrison, Melanie A, Carrigan, Mark A, & McDermott, Daragh T.(red.). (2013). Sexual Minority Research in the New Millennium (Social Justice, Equality and Empowerment). Hauppauge: Nova Science.

Gressgård, R. (2013). Asexuality: From pathology to identity and beyond. Psychology & Sexuality, 4(2), 179-192.

Hinderliter, A. (2009). Methodological Issues for Studying Asexuality. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(5), 619-621.

Hinderliter, A. (2013). How is asexuality different from hypoactive sexual desire disorder? Psychology & Sexuality,4(2), 167-178.

Van Houdenhove, E., Gijs, L., T’Sjoen, G., & Enzlin, P. (2014). Asexuality: Few Facts, Many Questions. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 40(3), 175-192.

Kim, Eujung. (2010). How Much Sex Is Healthy? Asexual Pleasures, 157-169, i: Metzl, J., & Kirkland, Anna Rutherford. (red.). (2010). Against health, how health became the new morality (Biopolitics, medicine, technoscience, and health in the 21st century). New York: New York University Press.

Kim, E. (2011). Asexuality in disability narratives.Sexualities, 14(4), 479-493.

MacInnis, C., & Hodson, G. (2012). Intergroup bias toward “Group X”: Evidence of prejudice, dehumanization, avoidance, and discrimination against asexuals. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 15(6), 725-743.

Pacho, Agata. (2013). Establishing Asexual Identity: The Essential, the Imaginary, and the Collective. Graduate Journal of Social Science, 10(1), 13-35.

Poston, D., & Baumle, A. (2010). Patterns of asexuality in the United States. Demographic Research, 23, 509-530.

Prause, N., & Graham, C. (2007). Asexuality: Classification and Characterization. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36(3), 341-356.

Przybylo, E. (2011). Crisis and safety: The asexual in sexusociety. Sexualities, 14(4), 444-461.

Przybylo, E. (2013). Afterword: Some thoughts on asexuality as an interdisciplinary method. Psychology & Sexuality, 4(2), 193-194.

Przybylo, E. (2013). Producing facts: Empirical asexuality and the scientific study of sex. Feminism & Psychology,23(2), 224-242.

Przybylo, Ela, & Cooper, Danielle. (2014). Asexual Resonances Tracing a Queerly Asexual Archive. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 20(3), 297-318.

Scherrer, K. (2008). Coming to an asexual identity: Negotiating identity, negotiating desire. Sexualities, 11(5), 621-641.

Scherrer, K. (2010). What Asexuality Contributes to the Same-Sex Marriage Discussion. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 22(1-2), 56-73.

Storms, M., & Hogan, Robert. (1980). Theories of sexual orientation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,38(5), 783-792.

Yule, M., Brotto, L., & Gorzalka, B. (2013). Mental health and interpersonal functioning in self-identified asexual men and women. Psychology & Sexuality, 4(2), 136-151.

Yule, Morag A., Brotto, Lori A., & Gorzalka, Boris B. (2014). Sexual fantasy and masturbation among asexual individuals. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality,23(2), 89-95.